Thursday, December 20, 2012

Transcending Dimensions - Easy 3D Drawing

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 3D has invaded and it seems to be winning.  Movies, video games and even television have all put their collective toes in the Three Dimensional water and it seems soon it may be hard to avoid.  So perhaps it may be best to go with the old adage: If you can't beat them, join them.  Rather than bemoan the inevitable march of technology, I have been using it as a way to introduce my boys to 3D rendering and, of course, optical illusions. One of our favorites is the 3D Drawing.
It's very easy to do and only takes a moment.

Start with a blank piece paper and a recognizable object. (we traced our hands as they are easy to see and readily available.)
Trace around your object lightly.  You don't want it to be obvious in the finished picture.
Now start drawing lines across the paper.  When you come to your traced image, draw a nice curved line.
Continue over the entire page.

Once your page is full of lines, go back through and add some more. The more lines you have the better the 3D illusion will be.

Once finished, you're ready to show off your trippy 3D artwork.  It's that easy.  Enjoy!

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