Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Stop Motion Animation - Homegrown Movie Studio

Everyone at some point aspires to a creative profession.  Whether it's photography, design or artist, it will cross your mind if only for a fleeting moment.   For our oldest it has been film making for as long as we can remember.  Even at an early age he would spend hours watching the making of features of movies rather than the movie itself.  Knowing this we have encouraged him to try various types of filming.  Our latest foray has been stop motion animation.  By using a digital camera and simple editing software, we were able to shoot and edit his first two short animated films.  At first we thought the process would be difficult, but after our initial setup the most difficult part was keeping our subject in the correct position as we manipulated it.  Through the production we discussed how films are made, why film is projected at 24 or 30 frames per minute (the human eye perceives fluid motion starting at about that rate)  and what was going to happen when we fell short of that frame rate(slightly jerky motion). 


1 comment:

  1. This is the coolest idea ever, and I love the ideas of creating these videos with Legos.
